Law Enforcement in America
When every single survival instinct was screaming run away, they ran toward automatic gunfire. Think about that. Despite all the protests, all the vitriol, all the hate and false accusations, Las Vegas Metro Police charged toward gunfire, two of them taking rounds in the process, risking their lives for strangers. These are the police officers I know.
In the twelve years I was a police officer, I saw acts of selflessness and bravery over and over and over again. I can honestly and with a clear conscience say that I never, not once, saw someone abused for the color of their skin, their beliefs or ideals, or any other quantifier you can use to categorize people. But, I saw men and women charging into dangerous situations to protect others while everyone else ran more times than I can count.
I’m not talking about news articles or clips from some distant city. I’m talking about in Alabaster and Bibb County. Places where I patrolled, and men and women I patrolled with.
I’m damned sick and tired of the media demonizing police to line their pockets. This photo right here is the true representation of law enforcement in America.